Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Robot! ……..Enthiran!…Artificial intelligence Vs Genuine Intelligence

Robot !  Enthiran ! has rocked at the box office. Chitti the Robot has acquired the status of the Hero in the movie without any doubt. Well! How can the Robot be considered to be “real”? Is it because he can answer questions in a human way or moves in a way similar to human beings? Aren’t these programmed? Are these not a reflection of the programmer and not the reflection of the true intelligence? Think it over…..

The robot could be programmed to do any task as programmed. But do they have a mind with the  treasure of emotions that we human have? “Energy in motion” -  Emotion . To explain further,  energy of human beings is displayed through emotions. The energy could be positive as well as negative and this is the essence of humanity.  

When Chitti the robot was programmed to understand the emotion of love the energy in motion was love with a lot of byproduct emotions compassion , kindness etc. Positive feelings grow to generate further positive thoughts.  But when the love isn’t reciprocated, the robot unleashes terror and destruction on an inhuman scale, turning into a Frankenstein’s monster that Dr. Vasi must tame if he wants to save his ladylove and stop wanton destruction.  The Robot is only programmed to display emotions but not in light of the conscience or mental framework which is the gift exclusive only to humans. The human mind can efficiently juggle between complex   emotions with the help of conscience and emotional intelligence. But when the negative emotions get compartmentalized   then the result would be similar to the Frankensten monster. 

It’s well said –

Firmly tie the mind, resembling a mad elephant, to the strong pillar of its perceptual content, with the rope of contemplative inspection, and gradually tame it with the hook of discrimination.

-- Buddhist Handbook, Salamander Press

Emotions and instinctual impulses play a primary, essential part in all human thought. Therefore, no matter how well programmed a robot may be, it will never find the essence of humanity and cannot, therefore, be considered a real person.

Actions taken on the basis of rational decision-making   always require some degree of subjective, emotional, instinctual preference based values. Pure logic, as in computers, is an impossible ideal for human beings. 

In this context it certainly appears that we could call emotional intelligence as genuine intelligence.

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