Thursday, November 18, 2010

Framework to live life to the fullest: Life Bane Jhingalala!

If we were asked “What comes to our mind when we mean living life to the fullest?”, the first thing that comes to the mind is the state of tranquility(Bliss)  that we have, followed by mental comfort ,  emotional comfort &  Physical wellbeing. These could be termed as Spiritual quotient, mental quotient, emotional quotient & physical quotient.   A healthy balance of these entire enables one to a feel of living to the fullest.  An unbalance even in one of them reduces the life quotient. It is the Communion of body (PQ), mind (MQ), heart (EQ), soul (SQ)  
LQ = SQ + MQ+ EQ+ PQ 
  1.  “SQ” Spiritual Quotient (Bliss): Tranquil state of mind can be described as the spiritual part of any being. This is bestowed on only human beings as they are the ones chosen by the lord with a freedom to choose. Considering the various righteousness qualities we have a free will to follow them or discard them. But the universal truth is that the qualities of righteousness are the torch bearers for the existence of humanity.  Spirituality grows with simple qualities like truth, nobility, kindness, Love, Empathy, God fearing, good character, loyalty, reliability   etc. These are the ones which perpetually enlighten our conscience and help us merge with the supreme power which is the goal of our existence. The intensity in these qualities increases the spiritual quotient and gives one and all an unimaginable tranquil state of mind. It is our lifeline connecting us to the aspect of our Creator/Sustainer living within us.    The tools which relate to the quotient include ones faith, traditions, religions and beliefs as well. This quotient is acquired over the years of a human’s life and perhaps one which requires the longest duration of learning.    
2.  MQ” Mental quotient. :  This includes our intelligence, mindset and growth as an individual. It has got more to do with the mind. Mind is the most difficult to control and if one has learnt to control that with the best of intellect then the craving and acquiring of knowledge is the most simplest. The feeling of fulfillment we get as we acquire new skills and gather knowledge is immeasurable. This is one entity which begins right from birth. Each stage of growth as a child, student, youth, adult and old age is   rejuvenated in the process of increasing the mental quotient.  Not only is the mind source of our intelligence but also the bed to our emotions, attitudes & determinations which constitute to form ones personality or mindset. Thoughts become things. “Thoughts” represents our mindset while “things” means our wants. Thus, it concludes that: MIND leads our WANTS, Which means the mind is at the drivers seat to lead the life to live the fullest. 

3.   EQ” Emotional quotient:  This has been quite often being discussed off late with    similar importance as to IQ.  It includes our feelings, maturity and relationships with other people. Its this which creates a network of friends, relatives, colleagues etc who add the spice to our life. None would find life joyful without people around them. We water and fertilize the flower of our relationship every day to keep it growing and flourishing. As we feel the happiness we derive in the process of living, the commitment becomes “'full filling” as well “full feeling”. Thus For maintaining and flourishing the relationships and to lead it to a matured level   EQ plays an important role. This includes understanding oneself with the strengths and fallacies as well and also our response to life’s circumstances.  Knowledge of emotions (EQ) and intelligence (IQ) should go hand in hand, if we want to live life to the fullest.
4.      “PQ” Physical quotient:  This includes our physical body and health.  “When Health is lost something is lost” Health is the indication of our existence. In case that is affected all the other faculties simultaneously suffer. It is in fact the physical framework for the existence of the other balancing entities namely SQ, MQ & EQ.  “The body is like a temple to the human being. Hence it has to be maintained with all its grandeur and with due respect” A good physical health is important for one to perform up to their potential. Regardless of age, fitness can be described as a condition that helps individuals look, feel and do their best. Physical fitness is the ability to endure, bear up, withstand stress and carry on in circumstances where an unfit person could not continue
Our life is like a cake. We have the recipe – the way we do things and we have the ingredients – our beliefs, our thoughts and our emotions prepared in the mould of the physical body. Hence like one rotten egg spoil the entire cake lets safeguard ourselves from any negative beliefs, thoughts or emotions and ensure a strong mould.       
It is only through changing the ingredients that we can start changing our life, and it is only through a change of recipe - or way of doing things- that we can get a different result.

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